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Sunday, 6 May 2012

Add Blogger to Pinterest Pin It Counter Button

pinterest pin it button for bloggerAs I got busy with studies, a new social networking niche boosted in numbers and strength so dramatically that it has now become the social media network of 2012 with over 10.4 Million registered users and 50 million blog posts featuring Pinterest including MBT. Daily Pinterest users have increased by more than 145 percent since the beginning of 2012. More than one-fifth of Facebook users are on Pinterest every singly day (which equals more than 2,000,000 FB users). It shows how crazily this new social media platform is emerging amongst the already existing giants like Facebook, twitter, Google Plus and LinkedIn.

It therefore becomes the next important referral traffic source for bloggers to increase traffic to their blogs through Pinterest follow buttons and Pin it count buttons. For me honestly debugging the Pinterest code was the most difficult task. Pinterest Goodies Page provides a simple HTML code with a JavaScript link and it contains no dynamic variables/parameters that may work in blogger or wordpress based blogs. They don't have a developers page from where one could fetch relevant information. Thus we had to rely on forums and Wordpress plugins to rip out a code for BlogSpot blogs. This code is so sensitive that if you try to make the slightest change to it, it would not work.
You can see the demo live on our blog just below post titles. We have added a horizontal count button that increments whenever a post is pinned. You don't need to worry about the correct featured thumbnail selection because we are using a custom JavaScript code that will offer your visitors with a wide variety of images to choose from to bookmark/pin your blog post.
Don't forget to read these delicious tips and tutorials!
pinterest counters and buttons

Adding the "Pin it" button

Please don't edit the code below and neither add it inside Tables or div sections because the JavaScript is not well scripted and is sensitive to slightest of change in styling. Use it as given. I will publish fresh posts on how to add it to sharing widget below post titles and to the floating share widget.
  1. Go To Blogger > Template
  2. Backup/restore your template
  3. Click the Edit HTML button
  4. Click Proceed
  5. Click the box "Expand Widget Templates"
  6. Search for this code:
   Now if you wish to add the count button below post titles then you will have to paste the coming codes just above the code in step#6 otherwise if you wish to display the button at the bottom of posts then add the coming codes just below step#6 code.
      7.  Paste the following code below or above (depending on your choice of location) the code in step#6

For horizontal count Use this code:
horizontal pin it

<a class='pin-it-button' count-layout='horizontal' expr:href='&quot;http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=&quot; + data:post.url'>Pin It Now!</a>
<a href='javascript:void(run_pinmarklet())' style='margin-left:-93px; width:43px; height:20px; display:inline-block;'/>
<script src='http://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function run_pinmarklet() {
var e=document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;); e.setAttribute(&#39;type&#39;,&#39;text/javascript&#39;);
e.setAttribute(&#39;src&#39;,&#39;http://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinmarklet.js?r=&#39; + Math.random()*99999999);

For Vertical count Use this code:
<a class='pin-it-button' count-layout='vertical' expr:href='&quot;http://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=&quot; + data:post.url'>Pin It now!</a>
<a href='javascript:void(run_pinmarklet())' style='margin-left:-46px; width:43px; height:20px; display:inline-block;'/>
<script src='http://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinit.js' type='text/javascript'/>
<script type='text/javascript'>
function run_pinmarklet() {
var e=document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;); e.setAttribute(&#39;type&#39;,&#39;text/javascript&#39;);
e.setAttribute(&#39;src&#39;,&#39;http://assets.pinterest.com/js/pinmarklet.js?r=&#39; + Math.random()*99999999);
      8.   Save your template and you are all done!

How it works?

Upon clicking the pin it now button, a window will open that contains important thumbnail images on that specific blog post. The visitor will pin just one image and then he will be asked to add it to his Pin boards and share it on his Pinterest account. If suppose the visitor does not want to pin any image then he can simply click the Cancel Pin button to go back to the blog post.
cancel pin

Need help?

Follow this easy tutorial and let me know if you needed any further assistance. We have tried to add all necessary codes to make things work. the variable data:post.url is only included and we did not included one for thumbnails because it is more wise to let the visitor choose a thumbnail of his choice rather forcing him to select one that you automatically provide.  Have fun exploring this new social media bird and we will make sure to educate you with its proper use. Do not forget to Pin this post! :) Peace and blessings pals. 

How to join Pinterest? Get Free Details

how to join pinterestWe have shared with you what is pinterest and a few guidelines about setting up a page for promoting your blog through it. But, we have been informed that many of our readers are finding it difficult to create an account and customize this new born network so we have composed this guide for you all, to simplify your problem. Follow up and you will enjoy pinterest the way it deserves.

Create a Pinterest Account:

If you do not have any friends on pinterest, you can directly go to their official website and request for an invitation. You will be informed through an email that you are added in their waiting list .You will soon receive a notification email, welcoming you to pinterest. They will give you an invitation link; click on it. You will be brought to a new window and are then required to login with your Facebook account. Facebook timeline account works with pinterest, so if you have not updated your profile yet; you are required to do it now. A registration form is displayed asking your details. Fill it and your pinterest account is created.get pinterest invite

Adding and editing pins:

Pinterest is all about ‘Pinning’, so let’s have a look how can we add a pin? Click on Add->Add a Pin. It will ask for web address. Enter url and the following window is displayed: adding and editing pins
Select the category of your pin and add a brief keyword rich description for it. Select a proper display image according to your pin theme. You are supposed to enter the web address and it automatically finds images at that page. One thing is problematic here; it does not capture all the images but is selective. You can edit your pins by clicking on edit option. You can re-pin, like or comment at the pins.

Creating boards:

You will now wish to create boards, after all it is the online pin-board, remember? A board is simply a collection of pins belonging to same category.
To create a board, you need to follow the subsequent steps. Click on Add ->Create Board. It will display a dialogue box which will ask for Board Name. It will then ask to select the category. This category will display your content to others sharing the same category. Try to find the possible closest category.
You can then authorize who can pin at your boards. If you are promoting any community, you may prefer “Me + Contributors” but for a blog owner “Only Me” is a better choice to assure that you are displaying the right content.

Invite and find friends:

You have created your account…decorated it with alluring pins and pin boards; don’t you want to share them with your friends now? Of course, you want to do so…you want to socialize. What are you waiting then? Click on your name displayed at the top and select “Invite Friends”. You can enter email addresses of your contacts or can easily invite all of your Facebook and Google friends. Don’t know how? Click on “Find Friends” just below invite friends and your friend list is displayed. Send them an invitation and enjoy sharing!

Profile Settings:

You may need to change your profile settings. These profile settings will help you edit the following:
  • General Information:
        This includes the basic information like your first name, last name, user name, gender, location, email address, uploading image etc.
  • Hide:
    This allows you to hide or unhide your profiles from search engines. Turn it on for your blog profiles or if you want to show it public.
  • Unlink accounts:
        You can now unlink your accounts, if you wish to do so. Click on ‘ON’ or ‘OFF’ tabs to turn it off or on accordingly. Keeping all your accounts intact and linked will be a better choice.
link pinterest to facebook twitter
  • Notification Settings:
        We would recommend checking these notification settings. It is a really nice option which gives freedom to change the way you are notified through email. You are notified when someone adds a pin, re-pin your content, likes your pin, comments on your pin or boards and follows you. But, the feature we like most is the frequency of these notifications. You can either get immediate updates or received it once daily. If you are not running a public blog you may prefer to have a weekly activity report. This report will help you analyze your progress with pinterest.
Save the settings.

What’s next?

We have tried to communicate things in the simplest way. If you still find anything confusing, feel free to ask your queries and we will respond. We will be sharing further tips and tricks soon. If you are finding any problem in adding and editing pins or creating boards, we strongly recommend you to read our post: Pinterest Basics
Did you added Pinterest Buttons to your blog yet? ?If not then grab a pinterest count button now!

Pinterest Tips To Drive More Traffic To Your Blog

pinterest traffic tipsThe basic principle of gaining control over anything is to understand it completely. And, this is the reason why we seek advice from experienced people. In our previous posts, we have introduced pinterest - the visual pin board .We also had a quick overview of its progress and the features offered. We have also provided you with a step by step guidance to create pin boards for your blogs. Now, when we are looking at Pinterest as our potential advertiser, it is important to have a detailed study on how it works before direct jumping and using it right away. Todays tutorial will share some basics that will help you drive more traffic to your websites and blogs through correct pins.

1-Pinterest is different:

This platform is different from the one we used previously .i.e. facebook fan pages or Google plus, so we can’t rely on the tips to gain traffic for facebook fanpage. This time targeted audience is approached in a different manner. The way you present your content is different and the options available are also new. But due to rapid increase in its popularity we are required to update ourselves with the change and redesign our blog promotion techniques. You may find it a little difficult if you are not good at colors, but do not drop the idea. Follow our tips and gradually you will be doing well at it. It will require some time to attune you with it.

2-Careful Addition of images:

Use images in each and every post of your blog. It should fully reflect the post theme or at least 75% of it. Think of an appropriate eye-catching line with the image. We won’t recommend use of too many images because it will affect the blog load time but you should be careful about image dimensions. Select those which can fit properly in your pin, usually 400*319 is acceptable. Add proper descriptions to your images and comment on them as well.

3-Repin from your blog:

When you pin anything from your blog, it is displayed in your profile. Add pin it button on our blog, so that you can pin your content directly. Pin every post of you so as to direct followers from pinterest to your blog. This activity is also shown on your Facebook and twitter accounts. Pinterest is not meant to be an advertising platform but it is a social networking site and you are supposed to like, comment and re-pin other people’s content. Be kind with others and others will be kind to you.

4-Sensible Categorization:

In this pin world, you need to be precise when you are pinning your images. Do not use a single “Miscellaneous” to represent everything but use abstract, architecture, nature, wild life etc. to represent your content (if you have a photography blog, for example).
If you are not satisfied with the options already available, you can create your own boards and specify your categories. Add a description and this description should be keyword-rich.

5-Graphics Campaign:

This may be a new experience for you. Sketch a layout for your blog. You will then arrange pin boards. Take it as a graphics campaign of yours and be careful that your board should look stunning not shocking…yes, absurd combination of colors has a terrible effect. What do I mean by absurd combination? I am trying to say that there should not be a single dominant color. Also, do not use dark colored images too much; add some light colors as well to maintain balance. So, here I got it… your board should be a balanced one with all relevant tastes provided there.

6- Free Traffic From Pinterest?

Yes it's the new engine to drive some massive traffic to your blog with much more potential than facebook and twitter. Here is an interesting video form lisa:

7- Optimize Pinterest and Pins!

There is again Search Engine Optimization involved in Pinterest because we are making use of images at large. We will keep SEO simple for pinterest. You will need to create a 150 characters of description for your pinterest profile, make sure to keep it rich with keywords and precise. Also give proper description to every image you pin or repin. Add good keywords to your pin boards. So lets summarize the seo tips for pinterest. You need to:
  1. Create an optimized description (150 Characters) for your site at pinterest profile
  2. Create board titles that may contain your blog keywords
  3. Add description to every image you pin

Can't Undo Facebook Timeline Fan Page

undo facebook timelineAfter introducing timeline profile design, facebook has successfully launched timeline for facebook fan pages. Facebook has officially replaced old layouts with the timeline on 30th March, 2012. This time line has been more controversial rather than sensational. So, we are going to dig out why is there so much disturbance regarding a layout and why we can’t undo, disable or remove Timeline. But, we don’t believe in criticism only so we will also find out what should be our next step.

Why Controversial:

Despite the incredible success of Zukerberg’s marketing strategies, he made a mistake four years back when he introduced Beacon. It seems as if Mark Zukerberg loves to take great risks for amusements only else how could an entrepreneur ignore user feedback? Facebook has automatically replaced all the fan pages’ to timeline layout without giving an option to undo it. People are a little angry and much annoyed at this forced change. Has Zukerberg launched a campaign convincing all to switch, the situation would have been better today. People dislike this layout because they find it difficult to customize and maintain.

Why Time Line?

You must be thinking now and most of you have surely searched it; Why Timeline? Well, of course Zukerberg would have some solid points at his side to justify timeline. Let us share a few with you:

Be Unique:

No one can ignore the basic marketing secret of “Being Unique”. Since its launch, facebook has always been unique in its facilitation, services and social networking approach. Facebook was doing perfectly fine with the old profiles and almost everyone was satisfied with it, including Zukerberg. There was no need to completely change the way people communicate with each other. But due to the emergence of its newly born rival, Google+, Zukerberg had to think seriously because Google+ offered almost all the features of Facebook with a little modification in them. May be this is the reason, why Zukerberg did not wait for positive user feedback and changed the game all alone.

Simpler Design:

Simplicity is one the key points in designing. Had there been two different layouts, things have been more difficult. To be technical, more complex algorithms would be required to manage the interactions and the transference of data properly. It could have also resulted in incalculable bugs. A question could also have arisen about the way search robots crawl information. To keep things simpler, it was a better choice to allow only one layout.

Uniform Outlook:

Facebook is the most widely used social network, used by people of all ages and interests. If you are using old profile and your friend is enjoying TimeLine, it would be difficult for you to understand his profile and organization of data, events, posts etc he has done there; because you are not used to it. So, it was a necessity to keep the uniformity in its user interface; else there could be a rise of two conflicting user groups of the same social network; one in the favor of time line and the other totally against it. How on earth, could one afford such a mess?

Accept TimeLine:

We can understand why people are so reluctant to this new feature and wish to deactivate Timeline. It is just like, you have been living in your home for many years and someone throws you out of it and asks you to live in the home he has chosen for you. And now, you have to get new furniture as well because the old one is totally outdated in the new home. We do not like when any one orders us! Also, many people are not technical out there and they are used to simpler facebook layout. They find this new customization as an advanced one and can not absorb it. But, just as in our daily life, many things are beyond our control; we made compromises for them and accept things the way they are. We have to accept this time line as the only option available. Relaxed are those who adjust themselves with the changes easily but genius are those who turn these compromises into opportunities.
So let’s see what we can make out of this controversial change. Facebook fan page has come up with the following options for marketing your brand:

Cover Photo:

Cover Photo is not less than an immediate showcase or flyer for your brand. Although image dimensions are 851*315 pixels, but your uploaded image should be at least of 399 pixels so that it will stretch to the larger size. You can change your cover photo as many times as you like, and a news feed is displayed to all the subscribers. This can be an exciting option for all those who are designers, photographers or advertisers to show off their talent. However you can not display contact info or any discount packages, coupons or any sort of call to act on cover photo. Just hold on, you are provided with some better options.

Admin Panel:

A much better organized admin panel is provided with five subdivisions.
  • Notifications
  • New Likes
  • Insights
  • Messages
  • PageTips
Notifications are the same as previous. New likes and insights help us to keep a track of who is engaged with your website and the page itself. You can contact directly to the page owner via “Messages”, as you would message any of your friends. This eliminates the need of a separate contact form.


Now, this is the feature I am really interested in. Page admin can pin any of the posts and it will appear on the upper left .These will last for seven days. You can use this option to promote any of your required post .For examples, if you have launched an e-book, developed a widget or achieved anything big you may prefer to pin that.


And here comes another exciting feature. Set your celebrations and greetings once and they will be displayed at their time accordingly. You do not need to put any more reminders. You can schedule your posts for a week and can enjoy free time easily because milestones are provided to set specific dates to things and it will appear at the specified time and date.

Display Tabs:

Display tabs or apps provide a more dynamic way of access. It has twelve tabs. One is reserved for your photo and this is static. Rest can be used to display any of your custom icons, url or facebook likes etc. But at most three can be displayed at a time (other than photo) and you need to hover over it to see the remaining apps. So, you need to prioritize the display order.

Your Valued Opinion:

We have been so kind with this timeline layout and hopefully this post would make it easier for you as well to manage with the new and doubtlessly visually great layout. Share with us how you have customized your fanpage and what opportunities have you patterned?

2012 Top Tips For Increasing Blog Traffic

Increase blog traffic
Increasing blog's traffic is every blogger's aim. Whether for reaching out to a larger audience, or generating more income through a blog, or to create awareness about a particular topic, he needs more traffic on his blog for his efforts to be of any worth. You might spend all the time and hard work you want on your blog. But unless you don't have a decent traffic, all your struggles will be in vain. Hence, the more traffic, the better.
Are you waking up daily, eager to check out your blog's traffic, only to find out that there has been little or no improvement in your stats whatsoever? There must be something you are doing wrong, or not doing at all! Here is a list of things you can do to increase your blog's traffic. Or rather, here is a checklist to help you ensure that you are doing all the necessary things correctly.

Post frequency and Timings

Post frequency and timings are extremely important for your blog's rankings. First of all, search engines such as Google like to see fresh content on websites. If your blog is struggling for traffic, then you must publish at least one post daily. The more frequently you publish posts, the more quickly your rankings and traffic grows. For example, our other blog SEM had a million+ Alexa ranking when it started! We have been publishing two posts daily for the first two months. And in those two months, the Alexa improved dramatically and it now stands at around 50,000!
post timings
Post timings are important as well. Not only do you need to be consistent in your timings, you should also choose a time that's globally significant. Choose a time windows that best suits your majority audience. Our publish timings are 12 01 am each day! Not only does this suits our audience, it also is consistent timing. Once you choose a time, stick to it! Not publishing posts on your fixed time can drop your Alexa! This is what happened to me at SEM once or twice. I made a mistake in scheduling my post, and it didn't publish at the set time. As a result, the Alexa didn't improve, despite the two brand new posts published that day!

Build Backlinks

Backlinks are very important for a blog, but only the quality ones. Backlinks refer to in-bound links to your blog from other sites. Backlinks give you instant traffic from other sites. But be careful about them. Trust me, you don't want cheap backlinks to your blog. They will hurt your rank instead of improving it. Never buy a backlink package such as "1,000 backlinks for $9.99" etc. Try to build genuine backlinks on sites with a decent rank.
High ranking backlinks
How to build backlinks? Well there are many ways. Participate in forum discussions, and recommend some content on your blog to others. Also add your blog's URL to your signatures. This will leave a link to your blog each time you post a comment on a forum. Another way of increasing backlinks is by guest posting on other blogs. Write for other blogs in return for backlinks.


If you've got some money on hand, then why not advertise your website? Advertising your blog is one of the best ways of increasing traffic, since it gives you instant exposure. Ads on sites relating to your niche can give you much more benefits as compared to other sites, since the traffic on similar niche sites is interested in exactly the kind of stuff you, or other similar sites have.


Interacting with your audience is the key to retaining and increasing your traffic. Adding stuff like polls, questions, surveys and forums can increase your interactivity. Also, use such a writing style that addresses the readers directly. Be casual and friendly, and don't be (too) formal.

Write Articles

This method is highly effective. Not only does it give you immediate traffic, it also gives you  quality backlinks that improve your traffic in the long run. Write an article on a topic relating to your website, and submit it to popular article directories, such as Squidoo, Hubpages, Ezine Articles etc. For example, say you have a blog about affiliate marketing. You can write an article on affiliate marketing tips, and then mention your own blog in that article. Then submit that article to popular directories for traffic and backlinks.

write articles
One thing though. Try not to write on sites that give no-follow links. Such sites include eHow, articlesbase, examiner etc. Sites like Squidoo and Ezine Articles don't give no-follow links, which is preferable.

Discuss Recent Trends

Discussing hot topics can get you in search engines' good favour. Google likes to see the latest content. Not only that, people also want to see latest content. Discussing latest topics gives a good impression of your blog being up to date. Not only that, it draws a lot of traffic, and indeed contributes a lot towards this very blog's traffic.

Guest Blogging

Encourage guest posting on your blog. There are many advantages of doing that. First of all, it will increase your post frequency, which, as we already discussed is a good thing. It will also reduce your workload and effort. Secondly, it will increase your traffic slightly, since fans from the guest's blog will want to read what their writer has written on another blog. Be careful about this though. You have to give out backlinks to the guests' blogs. Too many out going links without a nofollow attribute and your rank will start to drop!
Guest blogging
Apart from inviting people to write for you, you can write for others as well. This will get you a backlink. Write multiple posts on quality blogs, and you will see your backlinks increase and your rankings soar! This is one of the best way of building genuine backlinks

Apply SEO techniques

Search Engine Optimization is so vast a topic that entire books have been written on it. But you don't need to read books. All you need do is learn some basic SEO techniques, and apply them to your blog. SEO is extremely important if you want search engines to find your blog easily.

You should be familiar with the most basic SEO methods. Keep keywords in mind while writing titles and introductory paragraphs. Also write two or three line meta descriptions for your posts. If you are using WordPress, then you'll need to add meta keywords as well. Complete these basic steps and you're done with the basic SEO, although this is, by no means, the end of it.


Also, learn how to generate and submit a sitemap for your blog to major search engines. This is an important SEO step that every blogger needs to take to ensure that all of his posts and pages are indexed properly.

Use Social Media

You'll be surprised at how useful social media can be. Make public profiles on popular networks such as Facebook, Twitter and Google+ etc. These will help you build a fan base of your blog. Social Media is also great in the sense that it provides you a much greater exposure through your fans than you could get on your own. So share your new blog posts on social media not only to gain extra traffic, but also to retain your existing traffic.

Use Q&A Websites

Q&A websites can be a great source of traffic for blogs. Get active on popular Q&A sites, such as Yahoo! Answers, Wiki Answers etc. Search for questions related to your area of expertise, and answer them. Then provide your website link as a source. For example, if you are an affiliate marketer, answer some questions regarding the field, and answer them well. Then give the link to your blog. You can also do this on popular forums such as Blogger Forum etc.

Q&A Websites
These were some of the tips for increasing blog traffic. These are, by no means, the only ways. There are literally thousands of ways you can increase your blog traffic. But hopefully, these basic tips will guide you in building your basic audience. Thank you for reading. Cheers :)

Google Penguin and Google Panda Penalty - What's That

Google Panda and Google PenguinAs we all know, Google is a pioneer, and the world leader in internet search. It owns around 2/3rd (66%) of the shares in the industry at the time of this writing, making it bigger than any other internet company. It has been around for quite some time now, and has been updating its search functionality regularly. Since the past few years though, we have seen some radical changes in its search model. For example, it was only  last year that the dreaded Panda update was unleashed onto the world! And these days, everyone is talking about the new Penguin update that rolled out just a few days back. Head of Google's web-spam team, Matt Cutts tweeted a picture of a stuffed penguin along with a stuffed panda. How cute :). Or is it?
Some people would agree. But many will say quite the contrary. These animals are supposed to give out a friendly image about the updates. They are monsters in disguise though! Many websites have been punished and penalized by these two. So what actually are they all about? And how do they effect websites?
Penguin and Panda Series
Part1: Google Penguin and Google Panda Penalty - What's that?
Part2: In Progress..
Part3: In Progress..
Part4: In Progress..

So why are these updates needed?

If this is about any one thing, it's about Quality Content vs Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The concept of SEO has evolved ever since search engines like Google have come along. SEO is good. It allows you to take your website ranking to a higher level. But that's precisely where the problem lies. You see, it provides a shortcut where you can skip writing quality content, and still be able to take the low quality content to a high ranking. In late 90s and early 2000s, when Google was still newborn, some webmasters started doing just that. They would spare themselves the trouble of writing good quality content, and would learn SEO tricks instead, which brought their poor quality content to the top.
Through he years, search engine optimizers kept at it. Google has been constantly improving its search module, bu these people learned to duck and dodge everything Google had to throw at them. Fundamentally, this practice defeats the basic goal of Google, which is to provide good quality content to readers, instead of bogus websites that spam the web and gain the high ground in SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). Hence,  the need for an advanced screening mechanism which would let quality through but not spam content.
Although Google has been implementing such a filer throughout the past few years, it only rolls out major algorithm updates once a year. Google Panda was just such an update last year. And may I say, it was the deadliest update yet. The major update for this year is the Google Penguin update, and it looks relatively less harmful than Panda, although it still has effected a lot of websites. So basically, these updates are aimed at promoting quality and filtering out spam.

Google Panda

Google unleashed the Panda on Feb 24 2011. And immediately, it made its mark and hit so many blogs and websites that the entire ranking structure was shaken, with new websites coming at the top while some old established websites dipping down. According to Google, it was aimed at filtering "thin or low quality content". Since its launch, Google have made changes to it 13 times as of 20th April 2012. And a total of 12% websites have been effected by this update.

Google Penguin

Google Penguin is another installment in Google's arsenal of weapons to be unloaded onto the online world. This was introduced on 24th April 2012. Again, it aimed at discouraging / punishing spam websites. By far, it has effected about 3% of the websites. Prior to its release, Google said;
In the next few days, we’re launching an important algorithm change targeted at web spam. The change will decrease rankings for sites that we believe are violating Google’s existing quality guidelines. We’ve always targeted web spam in our rankings, and this algorithm represents another improvement in our efforts to reduce webspam and promote high quality content. While we can’t divulge specific signals because we don’t want to give people a way to game our search results and worsen the experience for users, our advice for webmasters is to focus on creating high quality sites that create a good user experience and employ white hat SEO methods instead of engaging in aggressive webspam tactics.

Panda and Penguin penalty

Once again, these updates are aimed at punishing spam websites, although there could be a lot more reasons for the updates to hit your site. Sites that are hit have seen a demotion in their Google PageRank, and their traffic has dipped, while sites that have benefited from this update have seen a soar in their traffic. The saying "One man's gain is another man's loss" never seemed more appropriate.

Why have you been effected?

There can be many reasons why you got hit. But the exact factors are known only to Google insiders. Google doesn't disclose this information, because if they do, search engine optimizers would grab on to those points and cheat Google once again. So Google does not give out the precise details, thank you very much. Here are, however, some probable causes as to why you took a hit.
  • Over optimization - This is very important. People who don't have quality content over optimize their websites. So you should do what is necessary, and no more!
  • High keyword density - This is like calling out loud to search engines; "check me! check me! I have the most keywords!". And they don't like it when you call them. Using excessive keywords is also a form of spamming, since you are seeking for search engines' attention. In the past, pages were ranked according to the number of keywords they had. Not anymore though. Always keep that in mind.
  • Virus and malware - People simply hate it when they land on a website infected with a virus. And so does Google. Having a virus on your site, or even having too many spam or bot scripts can trigger the alarm bells for Google. Please review your website regularly from now on.
  • Lack of user experience - Now this is very crucial, and Google has been stressing on this a lot lately. Pleasing the search engine is one thing. Pleasing the visitors is another. Even with adequate SEO, a website that lacks a good user experience might have been hit by Google.
  • Duplicate / copied content - Yeah you think you are making things easier for yourself when copying content, but actually, you aren't. In fact, quite the contrary, you are axing your own feet. Google hates it when it finds duplicate content on your website. Never copy from another source, and never use redundant content.
  • High Bounce Rate - Make sure to reduce the number of banners and other heavy graphics as much as possible to make sure your site loads faster. Slow loading blogs are hated by visitors and so by Google. Do not reduce the size of the page so much that it may begin looking dull and grey. Be creative yet smart!
These were some of the tips we had for you. This is the first post in a series that looks into these updates from Google in more detail. We will discuss reasons for failure (in more detail), how to avoid them, and best practices. We also hope to prepare you for the next major Google update. So stay tuned, and give us your feedback in the comment section below. Peace :)

How To Find and Redirect Broken Links In Blogger

redirect broken links in bloggerI personally really liked the Page Redirect option among the latest search preferences by blogger. It lets you easily redirect or cloak  deleted, missing, non-existing or removed posts in your BlogSpot blogs to an existing location. Normally for pages that are not found, blogger automatically displays the 404 Error page but this can harm your PageRank from internal and external links. Suppose you had a post and people started giving it backlinks and it got circulated everywhere, if for some reasons you decided to delete that post, people and robots will see a URL error i.e Page Not Found error. All that PageRank juice which was pointing this specific page will be lost therefore you must learn how to redirect missing pages in blogger both for redirecting PageRank juice and also for making your blog more search engine friendly because this is the only way to reduce the number of crawl errors you see at your Google Webmaster Account. We will be dealing this tutorial in a detailed manner to make best possible use of Custom Redirection.

Note: The custom redirect limit is 10 links/URLS for each BlogSpot blog. You can not redirect more than 10 links or pages for the time being. Therefore redirect only important pages.

What are Broken Links?

In layman terms any page or post that you delete in your blog or website is termed as a broken link by search robots. Its called broken because the link points to a missing content and displays a 404 error page.

How To Find Broken Links?

Sometimes you don't remember which posts were deleted by you or which URLs are causing crawl errors and making it difficult for search spiders to index your blog more smoothly. To find broken links in your blog no matter you are running a Google blog or Wordpress or any website, the method below applies to all:
  1. Go To Google Webmasters Account
  2. Select your blog
  3. Click the link under crawl errors
blogger crawl errors
     4.   Next click on Not Found
If you are running a blogger blog then you will observe several missing/broken URLs list , this is because most of your dynamic pages like comment page and search pages needs to be removed from search indexing using your webmaster account and if you see too many errors then do not panic, it wont effect your blog SEO too much but removing errors is always good than letting the error list grow. I will discuss the techy part of it in some other tutorial for this post we will keep our focus on deleted posts links only.
Now carefully look at the URL errors and note down the post links that you come across. In my case I had deleted a post I once wrote on Feedburner and also one on HostGator Plans that I deleted due to some reasons. The links would look like this in the error list:
blogger url errors

Since people were linking back these two posts therefore I had to redirect them to homepage so that I keep receiving the PageRank juice and keep Blog indexing by robots smooth. Anyone who would click this links would see a 404 error page instead. So what we did was redirecting both these pages to Blog homepage. The procedure is defined in next step.

Redirect Broken Links

It is always wise to redirect broken links to homepage or any related page. This will flow the backlinks generous juice instead to homepage  or any page that is related to that deleted post. Lets see how we redirected the two links above.
 Redirect to a Related Post:   Redirecting the Hostgator Link
Clicking the hostgator link which is at Priority#5 as shown in the screenshot above opens a new window from where you can copy its full URL
page not found
This is the link:
The part of link we are interested is the highlighted ending portion.
Now lets learn how to redirect the above broken link to an existing post (related link) which also speaks about HostGator hosting plans and the link for it is:
Don't get confused that the above two links seem exactly similar except the month 01 and 02. Its just a coincidence :)
Lets now redirect the link:
  1. Go To draft.Blogger.com or just blogger.com if you have upgraded to new interface
  2. Then go to Settings > Search preferences
  3. Click the edit link next to custom redirects
  4. Inside the FROM box I would insert the broken link
  5. and Inside the TO Box I will insert the link for an existing link to which we want to redirect the missing/broken link
redirect broken links blogger
     6.   Click the Save link followed by the Save Changes button
     7.   The link in now successfully redirected to an existing post.
If you click the broken link below, it will take you straight to the new related post.

Redirect To HomePage:  Redirect the Feedburner link
Since I had no related post for feedburner so I redirected it to my homepage and this is what I recommend to you all. Redirect to related posts only if you have any else simply redirect all broken links to homepage.
The procedure is same except for the TO box. I need to redirect the feedburner link from this:
To homepage link
See the screen shot:
redirect posts in blogger
Notice that inside the FROM box I inserted the ending portion for broken link and inside the TO box I simply inserted a forward slash i.e. (/)
Click save and all done!
Now click the following link and you will find yourself redirected to MBT Main Homepage.

Need Help?

I just hope this demonstrative tutorial may prove helpful and locating and redirecting missing links in your blog. The method will redirect all links in your blog no matter how many times they are interlinked thus not saving both PageRank and traffic from external links that point to you. Without the above method you will have to manually locate and edit the links which could take months!
It is a new addition in our services apart from 302 redirect services for blogger to wordpress migration that we already offer. I juts hope you find it easy to implement the above method correctly. I use it for the SEO of this blog and our other blogs. Please let me know if you needed any help. Wish you peace and love! :)